Monday, April 11, 2011

public humiliation on day 11

This Sunday, #42's eleventh day in prison, was particulary humiliating.

Sunday morning a short time after #42 woke up Guardess AGUARD Bumblefoot came to #42's prison. Soon two other fellow prisoners and a second Guardess AGUARD Broadfoot were here two. #42 never saw as much persons at the same time in the prison.

All three prisoners have been brought to the Punishment and Re-education Area. While his fellow prisoner were trained in the running wheel or beaten being bound in a frame, Jerome had to clean the toilet while being whipped.

Guardess Bumblefoot being unsatisfied with #42's toilet cleaning performance
After about 30 minutes of disgusting toilet cleaning, #42 and fellow prisoner Chigley have been taken for public humiliation to the TMS public area.

public humiliation scene at TMS
#42 was forced by the Guardesses to say to five persons "I AM A LITTLE SLUT WHO HAS A LITTLE COCK". It was in particular humiliating saying it to Miss Melanie and to Miss Mai.

#42 met by chance his Mistress Lady Loes
Just before being brought back to his cell, #42 was very lucky and happy to meet shortly his Mistress Lady Loes. She looked fantastic in her riding outfit with latex jodhpurs and a white blouse.

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